Hey Babes Hey!

I’m usually always pretty happy but this week I’m feeling EXTRA excitement! I’m have my NBR New Install appointment coming up this week! Cannot.even.wait! You know that feeling you get when you look at your calendar and you see ‘Hair Day’ written down - I’m at that level of excitement and anticipation. Especially since I know I’m going in for a hair TRANSFORMATION!

I’m really looking forward to wearing the new Isla Hand Tied Hair created specifically for the NBR method, and soooooo ready to say hello to my Summer #hairgoals

Take a peek at this video and listen as I share my own personal hair struggles and why I’m choosing to have my hair situation UPGRADED!

I hope you found value in this video and realize that we ALL are faced with something that we wish we could fix about our hair. I want you to know that you have options - high quality, luxury options customized for specifically for you.

If you want to chat further about your current hair, I’d love to listen. You can share your hair history with me HERE.

Let’s have an amazing week babes! ~xo
