Rose Golde Beauty

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N O V E M B E R ~ 2019

Hi. It’s been a minute hasn’t it.

Thank goodness for IG live videos, otherwise I would REALY feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!

November 2019 will most likely go down as the BEST month EVER because so many amazing & life altering moments happened! (It will also go down as a whirlwind because your girl was RUNNIN’! #praisebetocoffee) But then again, we are literally smack dab in the middle of Sagittarius Season, so what else did we think would happen?!

I remember middle of the summer when I was saying YES to all these plans, and writing them on the Calendar for November. My Man and I stood back and looked, in writing, all the things we had committed to doing - all FUN GOOD THINGS. But WHOA.  We said, “okay November is FULL!” 

There was a moment where I started to feel so much self induced guilt when I realized that even with batching & planning - I wasn’t going to be able to put up a weekly Blog post in November. Which has been important to me, to keep doing consistently. But, it was like - something has got to give, and with some self grace I pushed the pause button, so I could push the play button in another area!

{So, my goal is that you read this as one long run on sentence, because I really want you experience how November felt!} Ready? Breathe in, and - GO.

We went to Hawaii for over 10 days, which included lots of hiking and a Mountain Top Waterfall Engagement!!! (totally amazing!)  Then we took a red eye home and celebrated My Man’s birthday and then hopped IMMEDIATELY back into work. Insert five 10-12 hour days in the Studio before packing up, flying out to Laguna Beach for a week for my final Quarterly Mastermind Event - then stay for BMSCON4 as a Platform Artist, race home and sleep for 15 hours solid so we could load the car up and RoadTrip Adventure my Birthday up to Oregon for Thanksgiving with my family! 

WHOA right? It was such an AMAZING month and I wouldn’t change a single thing about it. I feel so much gratitude for all the opportunities that I was able to say “YES” to. 

I feel like as I sit down and write this, snuggled up with my pups and a warm cup of coffee and Harry Potter in the background, I’m finally slowing down and processing November. (Just in time to wrap up a decade and Goal Set + Vision Plan for going into a new one in 2020) 

November taught me just how BIG my capacity is. I know I’m not alone in forgetting just how much I can do - until I actually am put to the test and have to DO IT. How many times in our lives do we actually impress our selves!? Probably a LOT if we take a minute to think of the amount you can accomplish when it’s time to #getshitdone

I haven’t tackled my 2020 goals yet - I always take the week between Christmas and New Years to step away from working IN my business, and work ON my business and decide how to make it the best it can be for my guests.

Let’s start brain storming on things that we can accomplish, and impress our own damn selves going into the next year.

My books are open for 2020 to Extension Guests! To schedule a phone consultation and reserve an appointment for January. Click HERE and take the Hair Questionnaire