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Boss Babe


Navigating COVID-19 / Coronavirus together

With this ever changing time around the COVID-19 / Coronavirus I want to share with you how Rose Golde Beauty + The Extension Studio is navigating this ever changing dynamic situation. Both our Health + Safety, and the Health + Safety of our community is and always will be the top priority.


Personal Growth: 2019's Reading List


Personal Growth: 2019's Reading List

I know I primarily share a lot of hair, makeup, and beauty around here, and I’ve dabbled in some personal growth topics with you from time to time. But let’s not forget that the MOST beautiful thing about us will always be our heart and our mind.

In January of 2019 I set out to observe of my mindset, say goodbye to limiting beliefs and challenge myself in personal development for the sake of growth. I decided I wanted to read 1 book every 60 days and challenge the status quo of my thoughts.

I’ve always enjoyed reading and rummaging though bookstores to pick out books ‘I’d like to read one day’, but seldom “found the time” to do it. So, I decided to MAKE TIME to read a few books I already had on my bookshelf and grab some new ones that I heard were good.

So I created a morning routine. (if you want to know what that looks like now that I’ve been consistent with it for a year - let me know and I can dive more into that with you). So in my AM routine, I scheduled 15 minutes to read. JUST 15 minutes every day and here are the books I chose to put on the list.


The first book I decided to read was You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero. I needed an overall pep talk about life and had heard that this was an entertaining read with good concepts. This book is great if you’re looking for a one stop shop. The author talks about: ego, being in the moment, your subconscious, fear, meditation, not caring what people think, money, self doubt, and just doing the damn thing. If you’re new to self awareness - this is a great place to start and you’ll have fun reading it.

Screenshot 2020-01-26 15.12.03.png

Next, I FLEW though Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. This is SUCH an easy read, and I loved her writing style it felt very conversational. I immediately felt like Rachel and I were besties and kept wanting read the next chapter because it felt like hanging out. Girl Wash Your Face talks specifically to women about stopping the lies and negative self talk so you can show up as the woman you’re meant to be. It’s pretty powerful. Now I’m not a mom, but the chapters on MOM GUILT were real you guys - I got a whole new world perspective about what it takes to be a woman PLUS a mom AND showing up in a mans world. I’d recommend this book to a friend.


I read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck because the title got me! I quickly LOVED that Mark Manson’s writing style was very tongue in cheek and full of sarcasm. It’s like he was saying similar things I had been learning - but in reverse, from more of a cynical perspective and I was into it. The main topic of this book is that social media and the consumer culture are giving us a twisted view. So caring LESS about all that B.S, not giving AF about what people you don’t even know think - and focusing on the REAL happiness of life. If you’re a skeptic too, I would say this might just be the angle you need to change your mindset.


I’d be reading SO MUCH about our subconscious thoughts and beliefs that I realized - I needed to really understand what the subconscious mind even was, because it’s sorta hard to conceptualize at first. So I went to my bookshelf and picked up The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. I’m not going to sugar coat it - this book was kinda like reading a mix of science and philosophy and at times felt like a textbook. This is where I started to fully understand Habitual Thinking and stretch my thought processes. If you geek out of self awareness and consider yourself well versed in this subject, you’d probably really like this book. If you’re new to the scene I recommend starting out with the other 3 above mentioned books.


I needed to take a mental break after reading The Power of your Subconscious Mind and wanted to go with something I knew would be a little more upbeat and a conversational read. I liked Jen Sincero’s book, You are A Badass and thought I’d pick up her 2nd book You are A Badass at Making Money. I had been reading about a Scarcity Mindset and was curious what it meant. Now Scarcity isn’t just about Money, although that is this books’ focus - it talks A LOT about the limiting beliefs we have that make us fearful and how to have a Wealthy Mindset. Wealth is health, time, love, happiness and yes money is a tool to help us get those things. Abundance in all areas of life - is an inside job. If you need that reminder - check out this book.


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle was just what I needed to focus & remain in the present moment. It’s easy in this day and age to get consumed with everything that’s going on around us in the digital space, and cram our brain with thoughts of past and future. Don’t let the pain of the past, or the anxiety of the future ruin your ability to be present in The Now. This book focuses on meditation, observing our thoughts and removing negativity so we can truly be present in the current moment. If you feel like you are detached from your present life because you are remembering the past, or are so focused on what is to come this book is a wonderful reminder that RIGHT NOW is what we have.


For my last book for the year, I decided to test out the whole Audible thing - even though I was SO opposed to listening to a book (I felt like I was cheating on paper and the written word) I ended the year with Rachel Hollis’s most recent book, Girl Stop Apologizing. I think this was the perfect book & author for my first Audible. Rachel narrates the book herself, and because I had already decided we were BFF it was easy to listen to. She inspiringly tells women to pursue our ambitions, chase those big goals and build up our confidence. Rachel Hollis puts on RISE conferences for women based around these concepts and I REALLY want to the one she does that’s designed for Entrepreneurs!

Now that I know reading 7 books is doable in a year (that’s the most I’ve ever read in a year outside of formal education) - I’m setting the realistic goal of reading (and listening) to 10 books in 2020. I’m focusing on books that have to do with leadership, habits, entrepreneurship and whatever else sounds good. If you have some recommendations I’d LOVE to hear what they are as I build my 2020 Reading List.

Don’t forget to also invest in the beauty of your mind & soul this year!

xoxo babes~


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N O V E M B E R ~ 2019

November 2019 was for sure one that only happens as a result of saying YES a bunch of times. I’m sharing all the things - Personal and Professional on this month’s blog! So if you’re a personal friend or a client of Rose Golde Beauty there is something in it for you!

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Client Booking though a Phone Consultation

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Client Booking though a Phone Consultation

At first, having potential clients complete a ‘application’ / ‘hair history form’ / ‘hair questionnaire’ and schedule a ‘phone consultation’ - - seemed UNHEARD OF. Honestly there wasn’t anyone I personally knew in the Beauty Industry doing anything like that. It was completely new to me. So I know it has to be completely new to you too!

There is no denying that Social Media has changed the Beauty Industry, and with that, the way we communicate to you and how you communicate to us. It’s been amazing on so many levels, but here is one thing that has become a current standard I see with booking via social media.

Messages + DM

This is a place where things can quickly become a back and forth of hair questions, photos, screenshots, pricing, length of appointment, and then, the real hard part - going back and forth about appointment times. I’m telling you what- that ends up taking so much TIME and it’s always at random hours of the day…NEVER are we DMing people during standard business hours. (like really, why is it always at the most random times?!!)

Say goodbye to that overwhelm and hello to an elevated customer experience! It has been AMAZING to implement the Extensions Questionnaire + Phone Consultation for both myself as a solopreneur and for YOU as a prospective client wanting a great booking experience . It feels good to have the opportunity to talk to your Stylist and hear their voice especially when you know you have a personalized game plan to achieve your #hairgoals.

The NBR Application, which I talk about in great detail HERE and why it’s so important - has been a GAME CHANGER for both of us because it allows us to move into a highly productive phone conversation.

Which is CELEBRATION for both of us! So that ‘application’ / ‘hair history form’ / ‘hair questionnaire’ & ‘phone consultation’ … is now one of my FAVORITE things about my client experience.

The information you provide is framework for your Phone Consultation. Which is where we get to have a scheduled 1:1 conversation and hear each others voices while we work together to create plans for your dream hair, have ALL your questions are answered, discuss your new install estimate, give a quote on maintenance + pricing, talk about the longevity of extension hair, and if you’re a good fit for NBR and Rose Golde Beauty - then we will talk about available appointments!

It’s luxurious and there is really no going back! I am SO happy that I get to offer that experience to you! It’s ahead of the curve, cutting edge and it’s focus is YOU, and sometimes doing something that’s out of the norm - is a reallllly good thing!

I hope you are always choosing businesses who are offering you new + innovative perspectives to streamline and elevate your customer experience!

xo babes~

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Why so much Education?

Why so much Education? How hard can it be? Haven’t you learned everything already? You’re traveling down there again? - I get these questions A LOT and wanted to shed some light on the answers and share them with you!
