The Giveaway is closed and a winner has been drawn! If you want to see what products were in The Giveaway or watch me pick the winner during my first ever FB LIVE - head over to my Facebook Page, you can find both of those videos there!

I am feeling so much gratitude for each and everyone of my clients. I am so thankful that when they begin searching for someone to - color their hair - install quality hair extensions - enhance their beauty on their wedding day, that they choose Rose Golde Beauty.

I know how much I enjoy when my client sits in my chair and how much fun I have creating custom beauty to fit their lifestyle. I wanted to show my appreciation by doing a Facebook & Yelp Review - Product Giveaway!   Reading the reviews each person left about their experience choosing Rose Golde - not going to lie - got me a little choked up!! Here’s why!

I think its such a beautiful thing when we, as women, feel strong, beautiful and confident. We feel at home in our beauty, and assured in our strength. That’s so powerful! 

That feeling is contagious and when we are around others who exude this - we catch it too! 

Now, I’m not going to pretend that I feel this way 365 days out of the year! These feelings defiantly have their peaks and valleys, and I can relate with each of my girlfriends when they say they are having an “off” week, sometimes month..

We’ve all been there before, and we may end up there again. However, when I start to notice this pattern in myself - I know it’s time for some self care & pampering and a shift in mindset.

Sometimes that looks like an at home face mask with a hot bath and reading a book until my fingertips look like prunes. Other times I may go the salon where I sit down and enjoy a shampoo+blowdry+style and ooo and ahhh over the luxury haircare products. (This is typically followed by a trip through Target with a Starbucks in my hand looking at all the cute home decor) Occasionally it looks like a full on Spa Day with my besties getting spa treatments and eating sushi + drinking champagne. 

What it really comes down to, is taking a little time to remind ourselves that we are important. It’s easy to get swept up with our day to day lives and to do lists and put ourselves on the back burner. Reading your reviews reaffirmed this for me and reminded me that when guests are choosing Rose Golde, they are choosing to be reinspired by their beauty and empowered by their strength! …and that my friends, is contagious!

So thank you for this reminder, I love how this simple product giveaway turned into a moment of reflection & realization. It was such a take away moment for me to remember we are all in this together! Let’s remember that when we own our beauty and don’t shy away from our confidence we are inspiring other women to do the same!

xo babes, i heart you~

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